Please be sure to confirm any possible changes with your coach or team contact. Sudden changes or cancellations may not always get updated right away.
You can use the Search below to display only your team’s schedule. You can enter keywords such as ‘Boys 8th’ then select “FIND EVENTS” to limit the results for just a specific team. Then, at the bottom of the page, choose the options “+ EXPORT EVENTS” to add those to your electronic calendar such as Google or Outlook.
- This event has passed.
** No Usage of Maple Grove Elementary/River Homelink **
January 22, 2019 - February 3, 2019
Dear Battle Ground Public Schools Facilities User,
Clark County Public Health has identified the Maple Grove and River HomeLink campuses as a measles exposure site. Clark County Public Health is requiring that all schools identified as a measles exposure site exclude from attendance through February 3, 2019 all persons (staff, students, coaches, volunteers, rentals, etc.) who have not provided adequate documentation of measles immunity.
Due to this outbreak, we must cancel all rentals on the Maple Grove and River HomeLink campuses. You will not be able to rent any facility in the Battle Ground School District until Monday, February 3, 2019, because you were exposed to the virus on the Maple Grove and River HomeLink campuses. We will work to adjust the dates of your rentals and will only invoice for the space and time that was used. Please do not try to enter the facility at any time before February 3rd. We will be contacting you with an updated facility use scheduled in within the next two weeks.
Please reach out to your participants as soon as possible and inform them that they were potentially exposed to the Measles virus at the Maple Grove or River HomeLink campus.