Please be sure to confirm any possible changes with your coach or team contact. Sudden changes or cancellations may not always get updated right away.

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Boys 4/5 Grade โ€“ Practice

Maple Grove Elementary School 601 B SW Eaton Blvd, Battle Ground, WA, United States

River Homelink gym at Maple Grove

Boys 4/5 Grade โ€“ Practice

Maple Grove Elementary School 601 B SW Eaton Blvd, Battle Ground, WA, United States

Boys 4/5 Grade - Practice

** Team Pictures โ€“ All Teams **

Battle Ground High School 300 W Main Street, Battle Ground, United States

Picture Perfect will be doing out League pictures again Wednesday Feb 13th 5:30 - Girls 7/8 โ€“ Adams 5:45 - Boys 4/5  โ€“ Gullberg 6:00 - Boys 6th โ€“ McArthur 6:15 - Boys 7th โ€“ Gray 6:30 - Boys 8th โ€“ Massie   Coaches or team mom please bring a list of players names & โ€ฆ Continue reading "** Team Pictures โ€“ All Teams **"